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Table of Contents
Chapter 14: Different Endgames Envisioned by All
Chapter 13: Arab Spring and United Nations, 2011 - 2013
Chapter 12: Obama Stumbles Trying to Come to the Rescue, 2009-2010
Chapter 8: From Madrid to Oslo, 1991 - 1995
Chapter 10: Sharon Cometh, Arafat Goeth, 2001-2006
Chapter 11: Wars, 2006-2008
Chapter 1: In the Beginning, 1895 - 1917
Chapter 2: Birth of the Two-State Solution, 1917 - 1947
Chapter 3: Israel Born, Palestine Destroyed, 1947 - 1967
Chapter 5: The Possible Decade, 1976 - 1987
Chapter 6: Personal Involvement Stories, 1981 - 1985
Chapter 7: From Intifada to Madrid, 1987 - 1991
Chapter 9: False Peace Turns into Disaster, 1995 - 2001
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Chapter 4: Rebirth of the Two State Solution, 1967 - 1976
Chapter 15
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